The South African Colonial City was unique from its northern counterpart because no urban network existed prior to European colonization. 

Forced segregation was also a prominent feature of the South African Colonial Town.   

South African Colonial City Final.pptx South African Colonial City Final.pptx
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Answer the following questions after reviewing the module:


When was a distinct Central Business District apparent in Cape Town? 

Was the medina present in southern Africa?

When were docks and railways created in Cape Town?

Where were upper and lower-class homes located in Cape Town?

Describe the pre-colonial urban network in northern Africa as compared to southern Africa.

How did a new town come to be founded? Was it a highly regulated process?

Describe the plan and design of early South African towns.

What were the two commercial sectors of the Central Business District?

What part of the South African economy grew rapidly from 1911-1960?

In what city were 100,000 units of low-cost government housing created?




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