The Vance Model of Mercantilism explains five stages in the development of links between a homeland country, a previoulsy unknown territory, and an intervening maritime space.  The model basically follows the system of economic colonialism briefly described on the homepage.  The five stages of the development and growth of the previouilsy unexplored area include:

  1. Search
  2. Testing of Productivity
  3. Planting of Settlers
  4. Initation of Internal trade
  5. Development of a complete network of trade and places in the new territory

The powerpoint bellow explains how the Vance Model evolved in Africa


The metropole (European colonizing country) benefited from its exploitative interaction with its African colony; therefore, primate cities in Europe continued to grow during the early stages of Africa's colonizaion.

The DVD, Scramble for Africa produced by Coventry Cable Ltd. for Warwick History Videos, gives a concise history of European interest and colonization of Africa.  (About 50 minutes long)

Africa and Vance.pptx Africa and Vance.pptx
Size : 0.252 Kb
Type : pptx

After reviewing this module you should be able to answer the following questions:

What European power initiated the slave trade?

Is the African urban system well developed? Why or why not?

Why was Cape Town established and by which colonial power?

How many slaves were taken from Africa?  To which South American country were many of these slaves taken to?

Are African urban areas in any give country typically similar in size?

What types of resources were extracted from Africa?

When were Europeans finally able to penetrate into the African interior?

What was the result of the Berlin Conference?

Why was the coast of Africa mapped so extensively?


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